How to store your seeds?

Fortunately, cannabis seeds can be stored for years and will still germinate. The key is to store seeds in airtight containers that protect them from light, humidity, and temperature changes. Containers may be placed in cool, dark areas that include refrigerators and freezers.


However, germinating seeds that have been stored for years can sometimes be a problem since older seeds have harder shells.


Professionals suggest placing older seeds in a glass of water containing a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and then letting them sit for twenty-four hours. This process helps the embryo develop. Hydrogen peroxide softens the shell and encourages water infiltration.


Water should be around 71.5°F (22°C), or room temperature. Gently scarring the shells with sandpaper will allow moisture and warmth to enter.


You can read more here.

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How long can I keep cannabis seeds stored?
